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A Grateful Mom: thanks Planned Parenthood for her son  | Planned Parenthood Video

A Grateful Mom: thanks Planned Parenthood for her son | Planned Parenthood Video

After finding herself unexpectedly pregnant, Adeline was conflicted when she turned to Planned Parenthood for a safe and legal abortion. There, she found compassionate care and was given the time and space to think about her pregnancy options. She ended up continuing the pregnancy—resulting in the birth of her beloved son. "I'm so glad that I went to Planned Parenthood that day." This is her story of care. Transcript: I found out I was pregnant and it was not planned. My boyfriend and I were in a very new relationship. The most pragmatic option was to get an abortion. I honestly was very conflicted and I remember going in and I was still very torn about it and when I went in to see the actual physician I was still a wreck. She took a look at me and said "something tells me that today is not the day. Go home. Take a night — sleep on it and then reschedule." I'm so glad that I went to Planned Parenthood that day. I wish I knew her name so that I could thank her... not just for the role that she played in making me a mother but for doing what she does... and women like her — just so that I can have a choice. If I had gone through some underground network to get some back alley abortion — not only would my son not be here but I might not either. Words really can't express the amount of gratitude I have towards this woman. Spanish: Me enteré que estaba embarazada y no era un embarazo planeado. Mi novio y yo recién habíamos empezado una relación. La opción más pragmática era obtener un aborto. Sinceramente, tenía muchos conflictos internos y recuerdo que me sentía atormentada por las opciones, y cuando fui a ver al médico todavía yo era un desastre. Me miró, y me dijo "algo me dice que hoy no es el día. Toma una noche más para pensar, y cambiamos la fecha de la cita." Estoy tan contenta de que visité Planned Parenthood ese día. Me gustaría saber el nombre de la doctora para poder darle las gracias ... no sólo por el papel que tomó en hacerme madre, sino también por hacer lo que hace ... y a mujeres como ella - sólo para que yo pueda tener una opción. Si hubiera ido a un lugar clandestino para obtener un aborto - no sólo, mi hijo no estaría aquí, pero tal vez tampoco yo En realidad no hay palabras que puedan expresar la gratitud que siento por esa mujer.
Let's Talk About Sex: Mother and daughter support Planned Parenthood

Let's Talk About Sex: Mother and daughter support Planned Parenthood

Ariana was afraid to ask her mom about sex. At 16, she became a mom herself. Now that Planned Parenthood has opened a health center in her community, Ariana and her mom are grateful for a safe space where people can ask questions, get answers, and plan their futures. This is their story of care. Transcript: Catherine: Lay it bare child. Ariana: My high school yearbook... There I am, most changed. That was me before my freshman year... That was me after. Catherine: I love this picture here... of her carrying her books and the baby carrier. She balanced it all. Brought home that 4.2 and a college scholarship. Ariana: Whoot whoot. Catherine: Whoot whoot. Catherine: I thought that because of the way I raised my children... that they would come to me for everything... and that Ariana would of course come to ask… Ariana: Okay. So I'm 15 and I have this mom who is a women's rights activist and here I am... afraid to even begin talking about the subject of sex. Awkward. Embarrassing. Shameful... and when you're talking with your parent, you have everything telling you don't do it.. this is going to be weird. Ariana: That's why it's important that Planned Parenthood is there. Because when we can't go to our parents, we can go to Planned Parenthood. Catherine: There wasn't a clinic prior to our Planned Parenthood opening here where you could go in and… Ariana: and feel safe. Catherine: and feel safe… Ariana: I wish it were here a long time ago. I could have gotten what I needed. All I needed was birth control. I love my son. I am happy that he is here... but I wasn't ready to be a mom. I adapted to my situation... but I wasn't ready. And, now that Planned Parenthood is here... and the youth of our valley does have it, they can go to Planned Parenthood and have that family planning resource that I didn't have. Spanish: Catherine: Dime hija… Ariana: Mi anuario de la escuela secundaria... Ahí estoy, muy cambiado. Esa era yo antes de mi primer año... Esa era yo después. Catalina: Me encanta esta foto aquí... de cómo lleva sus libros y el cochecito del bebé. Ella balanceaba todo. Trajo a la casa un este 4,2 y una beca universitaria. Ariana: Yupi yupi. Catalina: Yupi yupi. Catalina: Pensé que debido a la manera en que crié a mis hijos... que iban a venir a mí para todo... y que Ariana por supuesto hubiera venido a pedirme... Ariana: Bueno, tengo 15 años y tengo esta madre que es activista de los derechos de la mujer y ahí estaba yo... con miedo de siquiera empezar a hablar sobre el tema del sexo. Torpe. Embarazoso. Vergonzosa... y cuando uno habla con sus papas, uno tiene a todos todo diciéndote “no lo hagas”... esto va a ser muy extraño. Ariana: Es por eso que es importante que Planned Parenthood exista. Porque cuando no podemos ir con nuestros padres, podemos ir a Planned Parenthood Catalina: No había una clínica aquí donde uno podría ir antes de que nuestra Planned Parenthood abrió sus puertas... Ariana: Y me siento segura... Catalina: Y me siento segura... Ariana: Me hubiera gustado que existiera aquí hace mucho tiempo. Hubiera podido conseguir lo que necesitaba. Todo lo que necesitaba era un anticonceptivo. Quiero a mi hijo. Estoy feliz de que él está aquí... pero no estaba preparada para ser madre. Me he adaptado a mi situación... pero no estaba lista. Y, ahora que Planned Parenthood está aquí... y la juventud de nuestro valle lo tiene, pueden ir a Planned Parenthood y obtener ese recurso de planificación familiar que no tenía yo.

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